Sometimes being yourself can give you a bad rap. While guest Andrew Nethery focuses on the Basque punk scene in his documentary, Bury Us, he and Jay also talk punk in general. They argue that the core of punk music is authenticity and revolution. Punk has many detractors, some of…
We didn't say authenticity was easy! Our guest, Sarah Donna, emphasizes that often it is really hard to be yourself. Whether it is the people around you, the media you consume, the social media apps you use, or society in general, staying true to yourself can be difficult if not…
Happy Tuesday Academics! We hope you are getting excited for the new season as it approaches 👀 To wrap up our many themes that we've explored for the past few weeks, we wanted to finish with one that is perhaps the most important to the identity of the podcast: authenticity.…
Happy Friday Academics! We are ringing in the weekend with some amazing advice from guest Amir Yass. When discussing his unapologetic presence on social media, Amir says he isn't striving to be liked by everyone and isn't afraid to take up space when others try to minimize him. Awesome words…
Here at the Tragedy Academy, we are big fans of every individual living as their authentic selves. Unfortunately, for those in the LGBTQ+ community, this isn't always possible for them to do safely. Our guest, dancer Glauco Araujo, didn't feel comfortable being open with his sexual identity until he had…
The word "queer" historically was used as a derogatory term or slur for those who identified as part of the LGBTQ+ community. However, in recent years, the community has reclaimed the word. Pinning it down to one definition is probably impossible, but for guest Jaymes Anthony the word queer pertains…
Happy Monday, Academics! This week in the Tragedy Academy's greatest hits, we want to celebrate our guests in the LGBTQ+ community and all the insightful conversations they have brought to the show. Here, Theoni Bekiari explains that it took traveling far from home to find the identity that resonated with…
While disability and chronic illness can be extremely difficult to navigate in the US, it isn't all bad. Often these difficult paths can produce innovation and resiliency. This is the topic of a podcast guest Ben Dykstra is developing. Based around his concept of the "universal trade-off", Ben plans to…
While Western medicine can be great for emergency situations, unfortunately for those struggling with chronic illness, things usually aren't as simple as just going to the doctor to get help. There are a variety of barriers that can keep people from feeling better. In the case of guest Rachel Macdonald,…
This week we are talking two issues that are often invisible to anyone who isn't directly affected by them: chronic illness and disability. With chronic illness especially on the rise in the US, we can't wait to share the stories and insights of some of our guests on these topics.…
Happy Friday, Academics! Our last highlight on gratitude this week comes from guest Kurk Nurmi. Kurk encourages listeners to feel gratitude, even if it is for the smallest or simplest things in their life, like shelter or breath. By practicing gratitude even when it feels like everything is falling apart,…
Can you find gratitude for your worst experiences? Guest Christian Valera argues that we can't judge experiences as all bad if they lead to good consequences or to good action later down the line. With a little self-reflection, we can see the positive things that may have come out of…
Happy Tuesday, Academics! We're back with another week of greatest hits, and this week we are excited to focus on gratitude. Why? Practicing gratitude can be truly transformative in your life, and we've got the guests to prove it. Here, guest Sharon Green shares one of her posts from social…
As we get closer to the next chapter of The Tragedy Academy I want to say Thank you to the companies and artists that shared their creativity and mindful moments in bringing our vision to life. With the new studio, we will be able to reach so many people and…
To finish out our week of tackling trauma head on, guest Jennifer Menendez gives deceptively simple advice for those in abusive or traumatic situations: seek help. As we've discussed in the past, seeing professionals for mental health can often have a stigma attached to it. This combines with the fear…
Comparing our lives to those of others is really easy to do these days, especially with how much time we spend on social media. But in addition to the good, we can also fall into the trap of comparing the bad. How many times have you thought, 'well I shouldn't…
Trauma intervention can be difficult to gain access to in our society, but luckily there are so many different ways to find healing - including through art. This is especially true when the cause of trauma is rooted in misunderstanding. For guest Christine Twyman, she finds that people can connect…
Happy Tuesday Academics! The Tragedy Academy has welcomed many guests who have been through traumatic experiences only to come out more resilient and powerful on the other side. We're going to be celebrating some of these folks throughout the week. Here, guest Jazmine Brown discusses the consequences of not acknowledging…
Happy Friday Academics! To wrap up our celebration of diversity this week, let's talk about how diversity makes this world wonderful. Here, guest Andre may have started out talking about hair, but ended up giving us an important lesson on embracing diversity in all its beautiful variety. What does diversity…
Diversity can be a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the human experience. Unfortunately, some people use differences as an excuse to build walls instead of bridges. In Season 2 Episode 12, guest Christine Twyman laughs over how men often oppress themselves in their pursuit to differentiate themselves from women.…
Do you know who the Basque people are? In Season 2 Episode 17, guest Andrew Nethery explains the struggle of this unique culture sandwiched between France and Spain that has fought for independence for many years. In his film, Bury Us!, Andrew documents how the Basque have expressed their pain…
Unfortunately, where diversity is not well understood, stereotypes can flourish. In Season 2 Episode 6, guest and musician Niloo shares her experience growing up in the rich culture of Iran. Niloo is proud of her Persian heritage and, contrary to many of the stereotypes that exist in the Western world,…
Happy Monday Academics! This week we are highlighting discussions of diversity from the podcast. One of the best things about the show is the breadth of experiences our guests bring to the table. In Season 2 Episode 5, Guest Mike Barker (@mikebarkerentguru) shares his experience being a racial minority in…
Clip: HernandoDelCastillo_Passion Happy Friday, Academics! We made it through another week, and just as a reminder before we head into the weekend: being true to your passions is one of the best things you can do for yourself, even if others don't approve. Guest Hernando Del Castillo jokes that coming…