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The Tragedy Academy

Episode 002: "Tacos & The Two Lollipop Kid"

Episode Summary
Discussion of bad 90's haircuts, worse 90's candy and Eric is bestowed with the nickname "The Two Lollipop Kid". Dinosaur taco holders and Pauly Shore are approved, plastic bag math and rewards points are declined.

Episode Notes
J&E discuss Jay's history of bad haircuts and Eric's limitations of living with a jew-fro. A brief timeline of 90's haircuts is laid out along with candies and snacks that correlated with them. Jay bestows Eric with a nickname after hearing several pathetic stories about Eric's hair. The conversation turns to Pauly Shore and whether he's still wheezing the juice (he is and doing much more as it turns out). Discussion on getting sucked into plastic bag math at the grocery store, "hatin" on rewards points and TRICERATACOS!