This episode we welcome professional fighter, Bobby Maximus, to the show. A long-time friend of Gary's, the two first met on the set of The Ultimate Fighter years ago and discuss their shared experience on the show. Bobby also shares his experience of growing up in a community that focused on generosity and acts of service - he credits this upbringing as the source of his philosophy today: kindness is what makes the world go 'round. Living out his dreams, pursuing his hobbies - regardless of what other people think - Bobby challenges all of us to live our best and chase our goals without fear.
Episode Highlights
? Go after what you want
☀️ Live every day like it is your last
? Define your own success
☮️ The opposite of regret is peace
? Change the world with kindness
? It's cool to be a nerd
• Visit Bobby's website , Instagram , or check out his podcast, The Maximus Podcast .
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