To our Tragedy Academy students and graduates: We are not professional therapists. Or licensed teachers. Or medical professionals. Or financial planners. Or circus performers. We don’t claim to be. We discuss some interesting life experiences, meet new people, and maybe make a difference in someone’s life. So please don’t sue us if your life doesn’t work out perfectly because of something we said or did along the way. In other words….
The Tragedy Academy makes no warranties, guarantees, or representations as to the accuracy or sufficiency of any information featured on the Tragedy Academy Podcast or in the Tragedy Academy website or social media accounts.
The information and opinions presented in the Tragedy Academy Podcast are for general information only. Any reliance on this information and/or opinions is done at your own risk. The Tragedy Academy Podcast should not be considered professional advice. Unless we specifically state otherwise, the Tragedy Academy team does not endorse, approve, recommend or certify any information, product, process, service, or organization presented or mentioned on the Tragedy Academy Podcast or in the Tragedy Academy website or social media accounts.
The Tragedy Academy team expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or other damages arising out of any individual or entity’s use of, reference to, reliance on, or inability to use the Tragedy Academy Podcast or the information presented on the Tragedy Academy Podcast or in the Tragedy Academy website or social media accounts.
Non Purus Scolam