I am Professor Emeritus in the Department of Language and Hearing Disorders at San Francisco State University and author of 225 articles and nine internationally award-winning non-fiction books. Three were translated from English into Chinese, Indonesian, and Portuguese.
In October of 2023 Roman and Littlefield published my latest book, PREVENTING SENIOR MOMENTS: How to Stay Sharp into Your 90s and Beyond.
My writing received 22 national and international awards. My book, LESSONS FOR THE LIVING, was cited in Arianna Huffington's THRIVE as one of seven books anyone desiring personal growth should read.
I have delivered 70 lectures and workshops in Canada, Taiwan, Costa Rica, and throughout the United States. I was the end-of-life expert for the examiner.com, verywell.com, and about.com. and honored when Arianna Huffington requested I write for her website, ThriveGlobal.com.
After retiring, I became a bedside volunteer at the celebrated Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco until the Project's guest house closed. I continued serving the dying for the next six years at Hospice by the Bay, George Mark Children's House, and Pathways Home Health and Hospice. I led 14 training sessions at hospices in North America and Canada and am an end-of-life counselor to individuals throughout the world.
The HEAL Project in 2009 honored me as the "Hospice Volunteer of the Year-Writer Extraordinaire. I am a featured writer on Psychologytoday.com, focusing on issues of aging, change, and end-of-life.