Author/fitness mindset coach/real estate investor
My name is Joe Legolvan
cmt pta cpt
(real estate investor over 100 doors) owner of four business, father, and mindset and life transformation coach specializing in depression recovery, goal creation and personal achievement.
Co-Author of 5 star rated book “The story teller”
I spent a decade as a spiritual counselor in the Denver Jail. I was able to share a deep message of overcoming, while creating several successful business and becoming a multimillionaire real estate investor.
I also lost my sister to a depression/drug induced suicide almost a decade ago, which shook his family’s life, but was able to take the lessons I learned from this tragedy to help others with depression and anxiety in heathy and effective ways.
The message and ideas that I share are generally very helpful, not only to those who may be depressed but also those who are looking to take there life and vision to the next amazing level regardless if that is financially, physically, spiritually, or mentally.