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The Tragedy Academy

Crystal Cassidy

Crystal Cassidy Profile Photo


Crystal Cassidy is the CEO and founder of SoulPod, a soulfullness app that is serving the community-driven process of spiritual awakening for those ready to go deeper.

After a near death experience, Crystal's journey accelerated as she further embraced the powerful technology living within all us, waiting to be activated. With a background in biochemistry and two decades in cutting-edge biotechnology, Crystal brings a lighthearted and feminine perspective to the path of spiritual renewal.

Crystal was introduced to meditation at age 12 while training to become a world champion martial artist and has since become a certified Reiki Master, breathwork facilitator, meditation guide, and kundalini yoga instructor. She is on a mission to bridge the mystical with the empirical, guiding others to unlock their potential and embrace a journey of personal and collective awakening.

“I believe that we are all spiritual scientists, discovering bold new ways to evolve our consciousness and as we do, we look beside us and behind us and help others along the path of Life.”

Nov. 22, 2024

Bridging Spirituality and Science with Crystal Cassidy

In this transformative episode of The Tragedy Academy Podcast , host Jay Hicks sits down with Crystal Cassidy, CEO and founder of SoulPod, a mobile app for spiritual wellness. Crystal’s remarkable journey blends the worlds of...