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The Tragedy Academy

Birgitta Visser

Birgitta Visser Profile Photo

Founder of Power Soul Healing / Light Empowerment Coach / Soul Configurator / A bit of a Galactic kite surfer

I am a Light Empowerment Coach delivering messages from the many Light BEings across the Multiverse to aid humanity. I have been through many ‘traumatic’ life experiences, some utterly sour and distasteful, having to sweat the chillies of these created experiences whilst others were sweeter, bringing immense joy. I always say I must have been off my rocker when signing my soul contract, having checked the boxes for every experience you can think of prior to incarnating - from the abuse as a child, the loss of my father, the bullying in high school, rolling into the abusive modeling industry and toxic relationships, all the whilst starving myself. Yet I soldiered on, holding down many different jobs wherever I planted my feet in the world.

I delve into the unraveling of the illusion of the matrix, explaining the current evolution of human consciousness and the shift of the changing tides and why the world has to go through these immense growing pains as much as humanity does.

I ended up on a long winding road of finally journeying within, recovering the light within, and shaking off those insecurities, to living in a far more authentic version of who I was to who I am now and ultimately becoming. It took many years, as it wasn’t like I awoke one day and magically got better overnight. It was treacherous at times trying to find the darn puzzle pieces of myself. I had healing done, studied, and taught many healing modalities, still making many of the same mistakes because I was a bit of a turtle. I walked through the Akashic halls, journeying through my many illustrious, earthly, and galactic past lives.

Life is about recovering the beautiful gem of light you are and always have been, unleashing your own beautiful divine inner alchemist, healing and alchemizing all of your tarred experiences that have tainted your outlook on life, causing a barrage of unwanted non-necessities, returning to living life as your most authentic self, showered with an abundance in all ways.