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Amrit Singh Reinsch

Amrit Singh Reinsch Profile Photo

High Performance Life Coach & Spiritual Seeker

Amrit Singh has been studying Kundalini Yoga for over 30 years. His foundation was laid in Germany in the early 90s. Amrit Singh then decided to move to India and dedicate his life’s work to helping build and grow Miri Piri Academy in Amritsar for 20 years. There he lived with his beautiful wife, Ananda Kaur from Mexico, and his two kids, while he served as Director of Residential Life. Having completed his time in India, he recently moved to Mexico.

During all these years, his true passion has always been in helping people through 1-1 coaching with a special focus on supporting people to create finical freedom while doing what they love.

Dec. 26, 2022

Amrit Singh ”Don’t be an @$$hole”

Living the life we want requires walking on a rocky path. But with different tools, religion, and spirituality, we can make it through and attain an enjoyable life. Tune in as Amrit Singh discusses how he reaches his goal of ...